Table 4

Characteristics and identity of voices

Present studyWoods et al 2015
Auditory only30 (52%)67 (44%)
Thought-like only14 (24%)14 (9%)
Mixed auditory and thought-like12 (21%)56 (37%)
External28 (48%)69 (45%)
Internal30 (52%)67 (44%)
Single voice50 (86%)10 (7%)
More than one voice8 (14%)124 (81%)
Bodily sensations15 (26%)101 (66%)
Characterful29 (50%)106 (69%)
Commands20 (34%)8 (5%)
Conversational6 (10%)57 (37%)
Abusive5 (9%)54 (35%)
Identity of the voice†(n=58)(n=24)*
God46 (79%)5 (21%)
Holy Spirit7 (12%)0 (0%)
Jesus/Christ7 (12%)1 (4%)
Angel/messenger6 (10%)3 (13%)
Self (eg, ‘deepest, non-ego self’)3 (5%)3 (13%)
God–other (creator/Lord)2 (3%)0 (0%)
Devil/demons2 (2%)7 (29%)
Goddess1 (2%)0 (0%)
Spirit guide1 (2%)3 (13%)
Other5 (9%)13 (54%)
Unknown11 (19%)0 (0%)
  • *Subjects reporting spiritual/supernatural voice identity

  • †Some participants had multiple voices/speakers and some gave multiple attributions. Percentages therefore sum to more than 100%.