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Inside an Angel's mind
  1. Charlotte Cliffe
  1. Correspondence to Dr. Charlotte Cliffe, Junior doctor and MA student, Dickson Poon Law School, Kings College London, UK; charlotte.cliffe{at}

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Bare skin brushes

the cold rough pavement

My feet are naked

on the ground

Today is special:

I have been selected

the chosen one, elected

chosen for a duty

to fulfill my purpose.

I see a bridge, nervous

I climb over, ready

on my platform

Someone sees me,

they frown,

shouting, loudly,

‘get down now!’

Strangers restrain

Stop this!

You are mistaken

I have been chosen.


A new reality has dawned upon this icy, long night.

Extreme recklessness has left me broke, alone, blunted.

I look back; not able to comprehend no insight.

My mind is challenged, reality confronted.

Believing I could reach heaven, how is that possible?

I had wings, heavy, where do they hide?

Now Drained; I was completely inexhaustible.

Empty inside, I weep, thinking I nearly died.


  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.