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Odyssey of life
  1. Stefanie Fleischer
  1. Correspondence to Stefanie Fleischer, Waterford Healing Arts Trust, University Hospital Waterford, Waterford, Ireland; stefanie.fleischer{at}

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Born to the world

you unfurl your sails,

snapping and billowing

they harness the power,

leading you through

the odyssey of life.

Wallowing in calm waters

you listen to the rhythm of life.

But, never far away

the whish of a breeze

to fill your sails,

and proudly you cut

a swathe through gentle waters.

To'ing and fro'ing

you face challenges,

adapting with ease.

But troubled waters lie ahead,

as winds of change bluster

and storm clouds gather.

The utmost challenge

facing you, your sails

battered and torn

you falter, struggling

for a safe haven

to rest your wounded soul.

The storm over, you emerge

shaken, but not broken.

And once again

you unfurl your sails

forging ahead, in your quest

to master the seas.


  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.