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  1. Andrew Williams
  1. Correspondence toDr Andrew Williams, Virtual Academic Unit, CDC, Northampton General Hospital, Northampton NN1 1BD, UK; anw{at}

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Like you,

I am a human being.

Like you,

I didn't choose this journey to our common destination.

I don't want a simple route and just take in the view.

I want to take in as many detours as I can and enjoy the ride.

For it is the journey and not the destination which is what really matters.

On the other side, I'm sure God will understand.

Well, I'm hoping so.

There are some things I can do, others not so well, and some never at all. I know that.

You don't need to tell me.

I don't want my family beaten apart by what will never be.

Respect them.

If I should have any brothers or sisters, remember they have a childhood too.

Take what I am and go from there.

I very often have medical problems which require a lot of medicines,

(some foul tasting!!!)—often many times a day—

and lots of trips to hospitals, clinics and to other places.

As I'm amongst friends, I'll let you into a secret.

At first, I always hate these places.

But….It is the people who work there that make the difference…

First earn my trust and then I will never feel safer.

Don't mess me about with your social constructs.

I do not see myself as ‘differently abled’, so don't patronise me.

But who amongst

you is perfect and doesn't have problems?

I'm just like you.

I just want to be seen for the human being that I am.

Like you,

I can laugh feel sad and at times down right fu…fu… frustrated.

I would have used stronger language for that last phrase, but this is not the place.

Like you,

I see the world from my own, different perspective.

I know I will have a shorter life in years than you.

So I have to make the most of every day.

That is what I can teach you.

By leading a full life.

My smile can mean the world.

I can appreciate the smell of flowers or of herbs in the air.

I can sing along to music and enjoy making it.

I enjoy taking part even if I cannot do very much.

I can get into the most terrible scrapes with my best friend…

My dog!!!

You see friends,

I like to share my time with you.

Open your eyes and you too can see eternity within every moment.

I like to give more than I receive.

Give me that chance.

Harry James Smith 1998–2010. Your patients finding you, not you finding them.

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