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Should there be one view to govern us,
To bind all thinking things?
Does Science or God hold the torch,
Do we have academic or celestial kings?
If science shows itself to be the way
How do we know we know at all?
Is knowledge precision born of chaos
Reality's sensorium-shaped spall?
The thread that ties my premises
Is no thread at all I could protest
Simply proof that random perceptions and ideas
Can seem threaded at reason's request
And just what is reason then my friend
If all is due to random chance
A chance itself most unreasonable
Based on uncertain facts you advance
Uncertain because I know quite well
To know I must first buy into
The tools and theories and methods
That fodder what is ‘true’
For no fact ever stands alone
All relies on knowledge past
Whether in measure or interpretation
Data fit the die that has been cast
And God who are you to speak so strongly
I stab questions through your books
If to be saved men must think like you
You are naught but a crook
For your thoughts surely are many
And legion the ways that you extol
You say all religions can't all be right
Is all then but fool's gold or coal?
Your faithful think they have found the prize
And work to see your face
In fervent desire they honour your word
They proselyte, conquer, haze
Warring on your other followers
With weapons of money, word and sword
Because these books you have given them
Each describe a different lord
And thus humanity's cauldron simmers
With science and god to add spice
In this myth pistou of personalities
Truth seems judged by neuronal dice
For perhaps each idea is justified
As judged by each man's mind
Perhaps the profession of, ‘I believe’.
Is all the truth that we can find
And concepts of the absolute
Are naught but man-made things
Born of a lust for certainty
The natter of truth-mongering
Alas, where can a heart like mine turn
To make sense of this place
Whether religion of science or of god
Both are built on boundless faith
If freedom is found in belief's pursuit
Then I starve to be free
Yet faith shan't be freed from reason's grasp
And my reason comes only from me.
Competing interests None to declare.
Provenance and peer review Not commisioned; not externally peer reviewed.