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Some perspectives on Chekhov’s short story A Case History
  1. J Niemi
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor J Niemi
 Department of Literature and the Arts, University of Tampere, FIN-3301, Finland; juhani.niemi{at}


The Russian writer and physician Anton Chekhov (1860–1904) draws on his clinical experience in many of his stories. One of his later masterpieces entitled A Case History (1898) depicts a physician’s visit to a small industrial community where a wealthy young woman is suffering from diffuse symptoms. The physician, Dr Koryolov, meets the patient and makes a diagnosis. While staying on the estate overnight he also analyses the patient’s relation to her living conditions.

  • Anton Chekhov
  • Aristotle
  • doctor-patient communication
  • literature and medicine
  • literary interpretation

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