Intended for healthcare professionals

Research Article

Percutaneous cholecystolithotomy: the first 60 patients.

British Medical Journal 1990; 300 doi: (Published 19 May 1990) Cite this as: British Medical Journal 1990;300:1310
  1. S G Chiverton,
  2. J A Inglis,
  3. C Hudd,
  4. M J Kellett,
  5. R C Russell,
  6. J E Wickham
  1. Department of Minimally Invasive Surgery, London Clinic.


    OBJECTIVE--To assess the feasibility and possible complications of percutaneous removal of gall stones. DESIGN--Prospective study of the first 60 patients treated. SETTING--The London Clinic. PATIENTS--60 Consecutive patients with symptomatic gall stones who agreed to have them removed percutaneously. RESULTS--56 Patients had stones successfully removed percutaneously. In four patients failure of access necessitated a cholecystectomy under the same anaesthetic. Two patients had an empyema of the gall bladder drained initially, followed by a second operation to remove the stones one week later. Seven patients had postoperative complications, and two had recurrences of biliary calculi. CONCLUSIONS--The techniques and instruments used in percutaneous nephrolithotomy can successfully be adapted for percutaneous removal of gall stones. The procedure is suitable for a wider range of patients than other techniques that leave the gall bladder intact.