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Art in wartime: The First Wounded, London Hospital, August 1914
  1. M P Park1,
  2. R H R Park2
  1. 1Department of Adult and Continuing Education, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
  2. 2Glasgow, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr M P Park, DACE, University of Glasgow, St Andrew's Building, Eldon St, Glasgow G3 6NH, UK; maureen.park{at}


John Lavery's The First Wounded, London Hospital, August 1914 records a memorable event in the First World War. This painting and the archives of the Royal London Hospital provide a fascinating insight into the nursing and medical care of these early war casualties.

  • Art and medicine
  • art history
  • art in hospitals
  • fine art
  • history of medical

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  • Both authors contributed equally to this article.

  • Competing interest None.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.