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Medical Humanities at the University of Wales Swansea
  1. Martyn Evans,
  2. David Greaves
  1. University of Wales Swansea


    The UK's first taught master's degree in medical humanities involves a field of inquiry that is frequently philosophical, pursuing interests and questions traditionally arising in medical philosophy and ethics, but on a larger interdisciplinary canvas, drawing upon literature and the visual arts, sociology and anthropology, social history and politics, and theological and religious perspectives.

    • Medical humanities
    • postgraduate education
    • philosophy
    • medical ethics
    • medical sciences
    • medical sociology
    • literature
    • theology
    • history

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    • Martyn Evans, BA, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Philosophy and Health Care, School of Health Science, University of Wales Swansea. David Greaves MB, ChB, MLitt, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Philosophy and Health Care, School of Health Science, University of Wales Swansea.